Friday, May 27, 2022

Las malditas armas que destruyen si o si, sobre todo inocentes.

 Weapons are really already destroying humanity, and manufacturers see in it the great business of their lives, the ambitions for presidential power that is nothing more than to become masters of human beings as they did beyond, with violence and death, In other words, life no longer matters, only the ambitions of people with brain diseases, who are ambitious for what does not belong to them, that is, the life of another human being. Scientists committed to economic power by devising weapons so lethal that human beings no longer have a chance to live or by chance. If we really want PEACE, we must stop making weapons all over the world, that all that money goes to get PEACE in human form, never using violence. May all peoples respect their constitutions and forget communism as a political idea, which only engenders death and extermination. LONG LIVE PEACE, LONG LIVE LOVE, LONG LIVE THE WOMAN, LONG LIVE THE CHILD, and finally LONG LIVE THE MAN WHO HAS RACED FOR PEACE.

They have started to think that the second amendment authorizes all citizens to carry weapons, so tell me for the love of God, when are we going to actually live safely? Weapons are definitely carried by the devil, weapons are terror tools, we want terror for our cities? Is it that they only think about the business of manufacturers and sellers? A weapons store in each town, is this living in PEACE? They will finally be able to repeal the second amendment, which is the knife stuck in the back of every citizen...........Including Sporty knives..........Manufactures have not flag.

Las armas realmente ya están destruyendo a la humanidad, y los fabricantes ven en ello el gran negocio de sus vidas, las ambiciones de un poder presidencial que no es más que convertirse en dueños de los seres humanos como lo hicieron desde hace mucho tiempo atras, con la violencia y la muerte, es decir, la vida. ya no importa, solo las ambiciones de las personas con enfermedades cerebrales, que ambicionan lo que no les pertenece, es decir, la vida de otro ser humano. Científicos comprometidos con el poder económico al idear armas tan letales que los seres humanos ya no tienen posibilidad de vivir ni por por casualidad. Si realmente queremos la PAZ, debemos dejar de fabricar armas en todo el mundo, que todo ese dinero se destine a conseguir la PAZ en forma humana, nunca usando la violencia. Que todos los pueblos respeten sus constituciones y olviden el comunismo como idea política, que sólo engendra muerte y exterminio. VIVA LA PAZ, VIVA EL AMOR, VIVA LA MUJER, VIVA EL NIÑO, y finalmente VIVA EL HOMBRE QUE HA CORRIDO POR LA PAZ.

En EEUU han empezado a pensar que la segunda enmienda autoriza a todos los ciudadanos a portar armas, así que díganme por el amor de Dios, ¿cuándo vamos a vivir realmente seguros? Definitivamente las armas las lleva el diablo, las armas son herramientas de terror, ¿queremos terror para nuestras ciudades? ¿Será que solo piensan en el negocio de los fabricantes y vendedores? Un almacén de armas en cada pueblo, ¿esto es vivir en PAZ? Finalmente deben derogar la segunda enmienda, que es el cuchillo clavado en la espalda de cada ciudadano...........Incluyendo cuchillos deportivos..........Los fabricantes no tienen bandera .

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Acerca de los reyes, muy importante:

If the current kings of the planet can tell the truth, what exactly is the origin of the wealth and power that gave them the opportunity to be kings? It is urgent to know, and that this hobby of considering yourself as the owner of a person or being above the plebs, or simply a citizen, should end at once.

Si pueden decir la verdad los reyes actuales del planeta, que digan exactamente cuál es el origen de la riqueza y poder que les dió la oportunidad de ser reyes? Es urgente saberlo, y que terminen de una vez vez ésa mania de considerarse dueños de personas o estar por encima de la plebe, o simples ciudadanos.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

One more to the covid19:......And what would be the actions to take? If science does not hit a single one, the virus can do more than inefficient and corrupt scientists, they do not know that the airlines were never warned of the virus, because they would have put in control the passengers before boarding the plane. That is something they never did. The WHO and the UN failed completely.

Serial killer matters:.....Serial killers are sick devils, that justice sets them free for no reason, how to avoid those minds that spread in society ?, very simple, study of genes of all born.

Y ahora que dicen?, éste encabezado del 2017 dice que el presupuesto para la atención de salud crecerá para el 2050 exponecialmente, porque la población sobre los 65 años de edad aumentará, es humano este análisis? FAMOSO GRUPO DE PODER OCULTO MANIPULANDO A LA POBLACION...………….A 2017 estimate by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that U.S. debt held by the public will reach a staggering 150% of the gross domestic product (GDP) by 2046. In 2017, the rate was 76.5%, meaning that the figure will increase by 96% over the next 30 years. The budget office forecasts were largely linked to the assumption that the Affordable Care Act will remain in place during those years, noting the rising costs of health care as the population of people over 65 grows.

New York City una tercera parte bajo el agua para el año 2050........... In 2015, the National Academy of Sciences released a report predicting that by 2050, 30% of lower Manhattan will be below sea level. Additionally, the state will experience heavier storms with massive flooding like Hurricane Sandy becoming commonplace. According to Ben Horton of Rutgers University, who spoke about the subject in an interview with VICE, storms of this magnitude (with 2.25-meter floods) occurred just once every 500 years before the 1850s. By 2050, it will be once every five years, making it a common occurrence.
George Floyd case:    Justice is being mortally wounded, The press is putting more fire on the fire, The reason is being alienated. PEACE ON EARTH...…….A person with the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger could have the disrespect or be attacked by another equal or less forceful body ?, undoubtedly not, so it would not be a bad idea for the Police officers to be of fighting contexture. Thus criminals and others will fear to disobey officers. It should be an essential requirement, weightlifters to work for the police please.

Vietnam no deads for coronavirus:....Communism is capable of making the devil look like an angel of goodness. In other words, it is more devilish than the devil himself. Poor towns under the communist boot.

Mexico as a new spreader of virus case:      And what would be the actions to take? If science does not hit a single one, the virus can do more than inefficient and corrupt scientists, they do not know that the airlines were never warned of the virus, because they would have put in control the passengers before boarding the plane. That is something they never did. The WHO and the UN failed completely.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Yo llevo años comentando, que la humanidad completa está abusando de comidas no nutricionales, líquidos y gases que destruyen neuronas y el sistema inmunológico, pero no se entiende por qué la ciencia, no inicia una campaña re-educativa para romper ésas fatales costumbres? Para mi modesto entender existe un mega-gigantesco poder oculto, que tiene dos principales objetivos: mantener a la gente enferma, grandes ganancias por ésto y exterminar a la población mundial, porque dizque somos muchos. Sobre este punto tendríamos que decir que la población ocupa a lo sumo un 30 % del planeta tierra, entonces por qué dicen que estamos superpoblados?

Tratamiento para dolor de espalda dorsal provocado por una alteración ...

Se descubre y antes que lo borren de youtube, véanlo y guárdenlo…...mensaje de vida sana.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Dios es todo, quien pretenda ir al lado opuesto, solo llegará mas lejos de lo que quiere, respeten lo que se les dió gratis, devuélvanlo intacto, la vida eterna existe en la tierra, sólo manténganse sanos, no es dificil, consuman sólo del árbol del bien, amen a los niños, amen lo sagrado de toda mujer, sin ellas no somos nada, amen la naturaleza que nos dá todo. Vivir eternamente es estar presente, agradeciendo tu vida.